Pizzoli SpA, Italy: From strategic choice to operational automation in frozen foods
Pizzoli, an Italian family company specializing in the cultivation, processing and marketing of fresh and frozen potatoes, is today a reality led by the third generation. This constantly growing company bases its production and roots in the province of Bologna, specifically in Budrio and San Pietro in Casale, which today are home to the logistics hub and the newly inaugurated production plant, opened in 2023.

- 简化存储以集中所有物流活动
- 提高所有商品的可用性,可随时将所需商品拣选出来
- 为仅在冷冻环境下工作的操作员提供了更好的工作条件
- 物流效率更高,因为消除了物流链各环节的等待时间

最大的挑战: 深冷环境
新的自动化仓库和连接的物料处理系统来自于一流的托盘处理技术。 这些技术不仅在性能和能耗方面极具优势,而且在系统的集成能力上也体现出更高的吞吐量。 Vectura堆垛机与ProMove输送系统集成在一起,以克服深冻环境下的挑战。
Featured in our 'People Behind...' series
We’re excited to introduce Alberto Manaresi, Technical Director at Pizzoli, Italy's leading producer of fresh and frozen potatoes for over three generations.
With its roots in Budrio, Bologna — a region famous for growing high-quality potatoes — Pizzoli has always combined tradition with technical innovation. A major milestone in this journey was the implementation of a deep-freeze automated warehouse in 2016, a technological breakthrough that revolutionized their logistics operations.