Essity: The Cornerstone of Stacking and Retrieving
Leading hygiene and health company, Essity facility in Hoogezand has a strategic position within the group. Essity chose Swisslog, who in the role of main contractor took charge of the entire project, from design and construction of the new high-bay warehouse – measuring 30 meters high and 120 meters wide with around 27,000 pallet locations.

Swisslog Monorail is the Heart of the System

Long-term safeguaring of warehousing quality thanks to far reaching automation
- Efficient state-of-the-art technology
- Control over processes and products; minimal chance of error
- Automation enables cost savings including workforce
- Reliable re-palletization solution offers maximum flexibility
- Effective error follow-up and extensive reporting capabilities thanks to Swisslog's SynQ software
- Clear communication both during and after the project

Este proyecto de la Industria 4.0 está compuesto de cemento, acero y software, pero ha sido la integración óptima de todos estos elementos lo que ha hecho posible la creación de un proyecto verdaderamente innovador.