Sustainability runs deep throughout our supply chain

Working with our supply chain is an essential part of achieving and continually improving Swisslog’s sustainability goals. This comes over and above our own internal sustainability policies and practices.

Why supply chain sustainability matters

Sustainable procurement is fundamentally important for every business today. It saves money, reduces waste, improves competitiveness, and builds a business reputation. Even more important, it helps to ensure a better life for generations to come.

As a turnkey provider, it is essential Swisslog partners with the best suppliers for our business. Together we ensure that all services and solutions made internally and by our suppliers meet our sustainability requirements.

Active partner participation

Both internal and external suppliers must meet sustainability requirements. By actively controlling defined key categories for suppliers, Swisslog's Purchasing Team manages supply risks related to environmental, social and governance (ESG). Therefore, Swisslog demands partners’ active participation in sustainability, compliance and ESG assessments, the service for which is provided by our partner IntegrityNext. The registration of this platform is free of charge.

Evaluation and auditing

Sustainability in our supply chain means we ensure the materials, goods, utilities, and services that we need are always sourced in an environmentally friendly, responsible and ethical way.

We evaluate and continually monitor suppliers based on key sustainability parameters.

Our approach is to check all the important and necessary aspects of sustainability. We work with our suppliers to conduct business in line with sustainable procurement principles and to continuously improve processes.

Supply to Swisslog

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