Fast & competent: The compact storage & picking system AutoStore from the leading supplier in the Middle East
Storing small parts in a compact way. Are you taking a closer look at the AutoStore storage and picking system and still looking for the right partner to implement your project? With Swisslog, you will be choosing one of the leading AutoStore integrators.
Storage and picking with the compact AutoStore: Your advantages with Swisslog
Leading integrator
Experience with planning and implementation thanks to more than 370 projects sold worldwide
Comprehensive advice
With an eye on the overall concept to meet all your requirements and needs
Integration of the system with other Swisslog subsystems possible
Ready for future growth
Combination of AutoStore and our ItemPiQ robotic cell possible
Integrated with Swisslog's SynQ software or SAP EWM
Your analysis tool that helps you better evaluate your warehouse and make decisions. Best user dialogs for high reliability and fast teach-in at the pick stations.