Robot- og data-drevne løsninger

Fremtidens lager- og distributionsløsninger gør det muligt for dig at være foran dine konkurrenter. Som et voksende globalt firma er vi til stede i mere end 25 lande, hvor vi støtter vores kunder med at møde deres forretningsmål. I samarbejde med KUKA dækker vi hele værdikæden med robot- og datadrevne automatiserede løsninger, der skaber ekstraordinær værdi for din virksomhed. I 80'erne og 90'erne, i den manuelle lagringsalder, udviklede Swisslog sig hurtigt til en ledende leverandør af kranbaseret automatisering.

Film: Fra en klassisk integrator til en innovatør med Industry 4.0.

I 2009 var vi en af de første til at implementere et AutoStore-system og en af de største integratorer inden for automatiseret intralogistik.

Vi udvikler løbende vores konkurrencedygtige teknologi til at imødekomme dagens og morgendagens krav. Som medlem af KUKA-koncernen siden 2015 videreudvikler vi digitalisering og robotik inden for intralogistik.

I dag udnytter vi kraften fra big data med Industry 4.0 og skaber grundlaget for kunstig intelligens, hvor vi opnår nye niveauer af dynamisk lagerautomatisering, effektivitet og indsigt.

Realiser din vision for fremtidige aktiviteter

For at automatisere hele din lager-, distributions- og produktionslogistik tilbyder Swisslog et komplet sæt af dokumenterede og innovative løsninger. Udvalget af vores tjenester spænder fra opstart til færdiggørelse og videre. Vi arbejder med dig for at designe og derefter realisere et komplet koncept med løbende vedligeholdelse, service og fremtidssikker drift.

  • QuickMove: Flexible, modular conveyor system for small loads

    Do you want to achieve high throughput, while remaining flexible and increasing efficiency in your warehouse? QuickMove is a modular conveyor system for handling totes, trays and cartons.

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  • CarryPick: Flexible and modular storage and order picking system

    Do you want your business to grow without having to make any constructional changes to your building? CarryPick is a modular and flexible agv-based storage and order picking system ideal for forward thinking companies.

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  • Fast & ergonomic goods-to-person picking

    Swisslog’s goods-to-person (GtP) picking solutions offer extremely fast, efficient and accurate order fulfillment while minimizing manual tasks and travel for pickers.

    > Learn more

  • ItemPiQ: Efficient robot based automated item picking for order fulfillment

    Do you want to reduce operational cost, retain flexibility and increase efficiency in your small parts warehouse? Intelligent automated item picking application ItemPiQ enables all these aspects and more for your warehouse.

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  • Tornado: A versatile miniload crane for automated warehousing

    Do you need to store products like totes, trays and cartons with a reduced footprint? Tornado cranes form the basis for automated warehouse systems that cover a wide range of small loads in terms of size and weight. Standard and customized applications are available.

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  • Monorail: Fast and efficient electrified system for pallet transportation

    Do you need a transportation system capable of covering long distances compared to traditional transportation in and around your pallet warehouse? Swisslog Monorail is one of the fastest and most efficient systems for the automated transportation of pallets.
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  • Compact small parts storage & picking system: AutoStore

    Swisslog is the worldwide leading integrator for the AutoStore system. Efficient robot system with outstanding storage density and scalability.

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  • AMR & AGV Automated Guided Vehicles system

    Do you want to plan a modern, flexible and efficient warehouse? The Swisslog AGV portfolio provides all the options you need for efficient handling of your products.

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  • Robotic mixed case palletizing: ACPaQ

    Do you need for your distribution center a palletizing solution that is fast,reliable and able to grow as you grow? ACPaQ is a robotic and data-driven solution for store friendly mixed case palletizing.

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  • High bay warehouse with pallet stacker crane Vectura

    Do you want to store pallets more efficiently and be more cost effective? Vectura is a multi-talented and energy efficient high bay warehouse pallet stacker crane used in more than 2.000 customer projects.

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  • Pallet conveyor ProMove

    Are you planning a pallet warehouse that needs a high throughput and fully automated pallet conveyor system? ProMove is a multifunctional conveyor system for energy efficient transportation of pallets with both light and heavy loads.

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  • SynQ: Modular warehouse management system for optimized logistics processes

    Do you need a future-ready software solution that smoothly integrates with your Warehouse? Swisslog’s WMS SynQ covers the full spectrum of your organization’s supply chain needs to optimize your warehouse operation in the era of Industry 4.0.

  • Pallet warehouse: PowerStore shuttle system

    Do you want to maximize available space, remain flexible and increase throughput? PowerStore is the perfect high density pallet shuttle solution for warehouses with lower ceilings, fewer unique products and high throughput requirements. 

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  • Shuttle storage system for small loads: CycloneCarrier

    Do you need a storage system for small loads with high throughput and storage capacity? CycloneCarrier helps you to store small loads fast and efficiently.

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