


Sports retailer Stadium has approximately 160 stores in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Germany. It turned to Swisslog for a highly automated cross-docking. The business is more agile and responsive to variable customer demand and handling costs are greatly reduced.

There are 60 chutes at the Stadium distribution center

Agile and flexible operation

Sorting machinery receives, sorts and cross-docks a large flow of articles for immediate delivery to stores.

Swisslog designed, engineered and integrated all the material handling equipment and control software for the complex cross-dock facility at Stadium’s distribution center.

Better product availability means improved sales

Responsive to customer demand

By improving the agility of its supply chain Stadium has:

  • Increased sales volume and margin through better product availability
  • Reduced need for in-store logistics work
  • Established daily deliveries to all stores
  • Reduced product returns

The solution is tailor-made for our processes and developed by Stadium and Swisslog in close cooperation. Swisslog has a good understanding about retail logistics and our needs.

Daniel Johansson Logistics Manager, Stadium