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Swisslog and Gucci BeeLogic have won the 'Logistics of the Year 2024' award from ASSOLOGISTICA

December 13, 2024

Our collaborative project, “Gucci BeeLogic: a holistic path for change,” has been recognized in the “Innovation in Technology and Logistics 4.0” category.

Now in its 20th year, the awards ceremony of Il Logistico dell'anno, held in Milan at Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarters of the Italian stock exchange, was an opportunity for Assologistica to open a discussion on the potential and challenges of an associative ecosystem that represents more than 250 companies with 70,000 direct and indirect employees.

The theme of the 2024 conference, “The Energies of Change": an energy in which logistics is rich and which is the engine of an increasingly rapid and increasingly pressing change that the supply chain can and must lead. (Source Logistics News).

We are thrilled to receive this recognition together with Gucci. Logistics automation projects not only aim to provide cutting-edge technology, but also to enhance people's work. We believe that the solution developed for Gucci played a key role in the overall success of BeeLogic's logistics project.

Matteo Brusasca, Swisslog Head of Sales Autostore Italy, France and Iberia.

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