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Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 provides a roadmap to the future of your operations

We are now entering the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 is changing how we interact with machines and how these machines interact with each other. This will have a significant impact on the warehouse. With decentralized, networked intelligence, advanced robotics and self-organized processes, the warehouse of the future will take a giant step forward in productivity, flexibility and efficiency. Backed by KUKA, Swisslog is ready to lead you on the journey to achieving the highest intralogistics performance in a digital age.

Movie: Swisslog at HMI Hannover Messe 2018.

Robot &data based warehousing system for Industry 4.0

At HMI Hannover Messe 2018, Swisslog presented the Swisslog & KUKA Future Ready Logistics Automation Solution. You can see the automation powerhouse including accurate gripping robotics, SynQ Software and our Big Data solution with self-learning algorithms.

HoloLens technology to design optimum case pick solutions and train operators.

New era of flexible, robot-supported and data-driven solutions

The future of warehouse management and distribution centers requires maximum flexibility, full automation, and smart data. Intralogistics is evolving from large, rigid systems into modular, flexible software-driven solutions that are robot-supported and self-optimizing. 

Decades of experience have made Swisslog the technological pioneer in a new era of flexible and data-driven solutions. We have unique Industry 4.0 technological expertise and have developed skilled inhouse software competence.

Our Industry 4.0 vision to develop the future – now

We continuously strive to improve our products and innovate in–line with market and region demands. We proactively engage with customers in our focus industries. Our SynQ software is a cornerstone in Swisslog’s strategy and vision towards digitalization and Industry 4.0.

Our Industry 4.0 approach:

Data driven innovations to improve warehouse performance

Big data becomes smart

Performance-based business models 

Swisslog's Industry 4.0 solutions are based on our SynQ warehouse management software, which gives you the flexibility to focus on improving and growing your business. We take care of your logistics while you remain focused on your core competences and your customers.

E-Book: How Industry 4.0 design principles are shaping the future of intralogistics

February 2018 – We are now entering the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 is changing how we interact with machines and how those machines interact with each other. This will have a significant impact on the warehouse.

To help you prepare for this future, our new e-Book takes a look at the six core design principles you need to integrate into your operations to build and effectively utilize Industry 4.0 capabilities:

  • Interoperability
  • Modularity
  • Real-time capabilities
  • Decentralization
  • Virtualization
  • Service orientation

Get  your free interactive e-Book


Rigid logistics is a thing of the past. We are ready for the journey into the future and will start it together with our customers.

Tim Eick, Head SynQ Competence Center, Swisslog