

Using ASRS Systems for Order Consolidation in Retail Fulfillment

Pers_Bob Hoffman 2024年4月5日
阅读用时: 4 分钟
Vertical Farming Smart Cities Pallet Automation Software Future Logistics E-Grocery Micro Fulfillment Case Study Vlogs AutoStore White Paper Robotics Design and Planning Video Sustainability Light Goods Customer Service and Maintenance
Pers_Bob Hoffman 2024年5月8日
The hidden costs of delaying warehouse automation decisions

Warehouse automation introduces efficiencies that enable organizations to increase productivity, respond faster to orders, and increase storage density. However, securing the capital required to support these initiatives is a hurdle some organizations struggle to overcome. Part of the challenge may be that these organizations fail to fully consider the hidden costs of maintaining the status quo. From falling behind competitors to rising costs to unpredictable service levels, carefully considering the costs of inaction should always be considered as part of the business case for warehouse automation.
